Monday, May 30, 2016

Planched by a General Authority

So Im not going to lie, this week was probable one of the best weeks I have had in a while.

I was pretty frustrated from the lack of lessons and success that we had had the week before and that we ended up getting denied by like 9,000 people (no thats not an exaggeration) when you dont have lessons you talk to a lot of people. 

But things turned around, we had done divisions with Elder Herrera from Mexico city a very good missionary ex-zone leader so he knows the deal pretty well, and he was pretty frustrated aswell, but through all the conversations we had had we decided we needed to fast to get things truned around.  
So we did, anddddddd it worked, like always.  :/

Every monday I download like 5 or 6 general conference talks and listen to them a lot throughout the week and I had ended up downloading from only President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland for some reason, AND OUT OF THE 7 TALKS I DOWNLOADED ALL OF THEM WERE ON THE SAME TOPIC.  Being grateful, for the blessings and challenges of life.  

I could have sworn President Uchtdorf was talking directly to me for 45 minutes straight, I even think he said Andrew a time or two.

I did A LOT of repenting, and I am not ashamed to say that.  A LOT.  And now I am really happy.

We have investigators now, and a family that came to church for the first time that is so cool.  My companion is really cool now and not so shy, and I have realized that all the sweat helps me to detoxicate my body.  ITS ALL A BLESSING.

I am like so happy now, who would have thought that a general authority could planch I guy 3 years later through a little speaker while I guy was getting ready in the morning.  HAHA

But yeah that was about it for the week, we worked hard and had some fun.

Divisions w/ E. Fernandez de Panama
and then with his companion E. Herrera de D.F.
 After the members serve you Eagle Eggs
 This tree is cool upside-down
Going to interviews with E. Neilsen in a hot bus=chido
 The coolest chapel in Poza Rica
 E. Garcia gave me his old Book of Mormon case made of Llama hyde.
More burgers

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