Monday, May 9, 2016

Last week of the transfer

So we are starting off the last week of the transfer here and I... kinda wanna go but I dont believe I will, It would be pretty cool to escape the heat a little bit.

But in light that my companion has had one more transfer in the city of Poza Rica than I have we have been trying to build up the area as best we can because Im not feeling like getting hung up hi and dry.  

So we had another baptism this week and it was super good, the lady was in another ward and then moved and we kept teaching her, and when she was asked who she wanted to baptize her she said one of the missionaries from that first ward of a few weeks ago, so that was fun to have them there.  

I dont really know what to type about....hmmm... I really like being a missionary.

I think one of the coolest parts about dedicating onesself to the gospel 24/7 is the spiritual developement, and learning how the spirit speaks to us... I have been very sweetly suprised to realize that, he talks A LOT.  And very specifically if needs be.  BUT, that comes from our willingness to listen to him.

Listening to the spirit and ACTING on his impressions are probably one of the most important lessons we should learn in this life.  Learning this and acting on it takes the title "Constant Companion" to a whole new level really.  And it helps us understand that God intends for us to never be alone.  

I honestly feel like my eyes have been opened just a little bit more on the wide picture of the gospel that we have the privalege of viewing.

Well thats it.

Listen to the spirit

And when it comes to drugs

Just say no.

My life has just ended

so in an atempt to email more pictures to all of my adoring fans... the computer had some glitch, and all of my photos have been erased.

I only have pictures from half of my time on the mission saved on a backup usb

I am too sad to cry.

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