Monday, June 6, 2016

Cool week

So this week was perhaps the longest week of the mission for me.  But it wasnt that bad.  We were just all over the zone doing interviews and just the normal zone leader stuff.  So my assignment is literally to "train" E. Dominguez how to be a zone leader.  And it is a lot harder than I thought.  We have been companions for almost a month and I am working really hard with him and he like knows everything to do...just is scared to death to make decisions for the zone.  So at times you have to encourage him to go with his gut.

The upside to Elder Dominguez is on the work and proselyting side of things, he is VERY GOOD and supportive and we gel quite well in teaching and contacting people.  

So we have just been all over the place out of our area and so every day we have been SUPER rushed to get some good solid work done.  

One thing however I have learned is.  The only number that really is important is the number of people that your truly help be converted.  You can have a hundred lessons and nobody in church and it serves you nothing.  But if you have only 10 lessons and 8 in church one confirmed and another baptized, you are doing well with what you have.  

It gives me a lot of peace of mind to have finally realized that, especially being in one of the hardest areas in the mission.  I actually am blessed to have been put here because it teaches me to be diligent and to truly VALUE the time we have to preach the gospel.  

Doing divisions this week E. Neilsen and I had a very wonderful experience with a member who has a very sick three week old baby boy. 

From the lack of sleep they both have because he cant breathe very well and she cant rest knowing her baby is in pain she began to cry just thinking about the suffering of her little boy and the painful medicines they have to inject into him to help him.  

We gave them both blessings, and never have I seen the spirit work so powerfully in my life.  

The priesthood is a very real thing.  It is true power to heal with faith.

In that moment I dont know if I would have known that God was any more real had he stood in front of us.  

The church is very true, you just have to exercise faith and you will see the literal miracles of the spirit and the priesthood.

Wow is all I can say about the beauty of this gospel.

Thanks for all the emails I love you all sorry I wont be able to respond this week we are going to leadership council in Xalapa. 

So it was raining so hard one morning water started leaking.
 Pretty skies.
Mission correlation meeting.
 When you have a baptism after church and this is what happens from all the rain.
 Yadira got baptized and her daughter is going to get baptized next week so we are pretty excited.

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