Monday, October 5, 2015

A month and a half... Wednesday

So this week was better... much better.  And ya.  Conference was pretty cool I really enjoyed pretty much all the talks.  All of the gringos went into a different room because we figured out we could watch conference on an english channel.  En Verdad it was really touching to hear the apostles talk about parents.  And the fact that Faith is a choice.

Whenever any of you have some alone time SERIOUSLY just think for a second about those that
1. Dont hear about the gospel in this life
2. Dont accept the gospel in this life
3. Dont repent

Conference didnt teach me this just a lot of metal doors with wooden crosses slammed in my face.  Literally they laugh and slam them sometimes. :( 

But think to yourself HOW LUCKY YOU ARE to be a member of the church. I ugh its so tough to explain as a missionary we have these feelings because its evangelio 24/7 and we see the difference, but YOU WILL NOT HAVE TRUE HAPPINESS WITHOUT THIS GOSPEL and if you think you have it now YOU DONT KNOW WHAT REAL HAPPINESS IS.  

As a missionary we teach the people about the gospel and they just let it slide like water off of a ducks back because you know what.  

It is easier to call yourself catholic. NEVER go to church.  Fornicate and find a guy who is willing to work literally sunrise to literal sundown for you and the child you had when you were 16 with some random 28 year old who left you on the curb.  

And its sad because we have encountered men here that would like to hear more but then have almost no time to breath because they work double sundays and barely can spend anytime with their family and step kids because they are responsible and are trying to make life better for their family.  

And when we try to teach the sabbath, to get them to go to church and take the sacrament they dont understand the importance because all they think about is work.  We have had people in tears and they do nothing because they are drowning trying to provide the worldly needs aquired by the birth of a child out of wedlock, or the same is with many other commandments.

To experience REAL love, REAL peace, and REAL happiness, you have to go through the gospel.  

This is what I have found as a missionary.

Anyway I didnt mean to rant, its just the plain truth.  

We have a family progressing so well and they accepted to be married like the 20th of october so they can be baptized the 25th!  They are so amazing and I learn more from teaching them and the spirit testifies to me of the truthfulness of the words leaving my mouth than most things out here. 

Cambios are... Well I think its transfers Idk I dont really ever get to speak english anymore except on sundays or at distric meetings.  Anyway is October 10th and so it will be interesting to see who stays and will get to teach our investigators and who will go.  So this time next week I will have a new compañero.

I love Elder Campos he is more than a brother to me, and has taught me more about life and patience and the gospel that I can even explain.  Granted I was taught a lot of stuff at home.  Its just a little different living on your own without your parents for the most part.  Hahah

We went to a giant statue of Christ today overlooking Tezuitlan man was that a hike.  We taught a couple up there too! Haha it has been a heck of a ride this month an a half and 22 and a half more months is gonna be so crazy.  

I love you guys all so much, each one of your emails mean the world to me! 

Elder Andrew Basile

Ok to everyone I came of a little strong we just had been told off today and so was a little frustrated.  There are so many good people in the world regardless of their religion.  I belive that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints is the only true church but I dont mean to attack anyones beliefs. Seriously.  We deal with a lot of people who want a change in their lives because of their circumstances and I feel so bad for them that I just wish I could speak to them as plainly as I had to you all.  The problem for them is is they want change and they never make it happen.  I love you all and hope you dont feel offended or disheartened in anyway by my emails.  I really appreciate all you guys and will tone it down next week. 
Elder Basile
So there is a lot of Giant Mayan stuff everywhere its pretty amazing.
 That smile you get when you finally get to eat...
 So this is a Mexican security system, everybody does this, its actually on the wall around their yard.
 Just the average day in El Centro.
Cruisin on the Obispos (bishops) Harley they are really popular here.
  This scripture is for mom. 
Im really gonna miss this guy after transfers
This statue is in the craziest spot in the world It literally can see everything for MILES
The Elders in our district from the hike today.
 Pictures are never as good as the real thing, you see forever.
 Tezuitlan is really pretty from high up.
Walking in the jungle we found a Jaguar cave... But i dont think Jaguars live in caves.
So I forgot to say we went to Xalapa for a conference it wasnt that big of deal but after we stayed and went on divisions with Elder Campos compañero from the MTC elder Castañeda and yes those are BANANASSSSS
Another Picture of the statue. 
This Cat Oxi is just the funnest little guy he jumps up on your lap to "wrestle" says the hermana ya he doesnt like to just sit and be petted he likes to bite and play with you hes pretty hilarious.


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