Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A whole transfer and no baptisms

Hey everybody how are you all I am going to make this email short because I really want to write some people individually.  This week started off great, we found a couple of new investigators.  I love speaking spanish the gift of tongues is the craziest thing.

That was about it for good.  

Ya this week pretty much was terrible, that baptism that fell through, well yeah Luis is his name and hes pretty cool.  He was my first lesson as a missionary and we taught him basically everyday for a month.  He has work in Cholula a city more in central mexico and was planning on coming back to be baptized.  Well when he went to church with a member we talked to there he ended up saying hi to the missionaries and they basically stole his baptism from us.  He called and said that instead of coming come for the whole week he is just going to stay another week but be baptised sunday (yesterday).  

Ya I feel like I just to a line drive to the gut.  I mean I love him and all but we worked our tails of for him, for three weeks he was really not very motivated until the last week.  We accomidated a lot for him and he decided to just up and leave not tell us, and then be baptized by two other missionaries that new him for half a day.

I havent actually cried since I got dropped off at the MTC but all the stress-- and fatigue of walking like 10 miles a day and not sleeping because we live next to some dogs that their owners never let of their leash so they bark like 24 hours a day-- finally hit me and I wasnt like bawling I just kinda sat out on the patio and cried a little because I wasnt feeling like letting Elder Campos see me cry.  

And not like crying cuz I feel bad for my self it was just like letting out a lot of stress crying.  Like I genuinly love Luis I have prayed for hours over this period of time for him to get baptized.  Now its just kindof like... I dont get to see it through and it kindof stung.  

Elder Campos however probably could sense something was wrong and talked me back to myself.  En Verdad he is... oops to be honest he is really a genuine guy and cares so much for me.  

And I understand that its not all about how many baptisms you have, yeah if we wouldnt have found him and pushed him along it never would have happened probably but... idk I guess Im just venting because its hard to vent in spanish.  IDK why.  

Being a missionary is one of the best things that could have happened to me because I have learned to appreciate everything more, and its only been like a month and a half or something.  I can only imagine how much more I will learn by the end of this two years.  

Sorry everybody, I dont mean to be a poor sport its just hard but lemme tell you you experience a whole different type of joy as a missionary that is amazing, these weeks make the good times much more meaningful.  

I really appreciate you all and love you all dont worry about me.  I love all the emails thank you so much!
 Wow look at that boulder thats a nice boulder-- donkey from shrek and I didnt take this picture to be a dumb...donkey no pun intended. ok ya it was.
In HueHueymico people find ways to get things moved from one place to another
 The Vegetation here is crazy
 This wall goes through the city it divides the communist east side of Tezuitlan from the other. Its a dangerous part of town.
 We eat tacos everyday, and that makes me happy.
I got my haircut today by a real barber he is an artist with scissors.

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