Sooo things here have been alright, just hot and humid, but what else is new?
to be honest the people here are just great and love me to death and I
am so grateful for that. The nonmembers are pretty receptive too. We
have a few investigators but we do so much door Knocking it is
It is really difficult trying to
deal with a very inefficient compaƱero. I love him and all but he just
doesnt have that drive that he needs to have and it makes me want to
rip my face off like spongebob does (in spongebob). Like before I didnt
think of myself as terribly zealous when it comes to obedience but with
my compaƱero I notice all the rules he doesnt follow and I find myself
wondering why I myself follow them. I follow them anyway because
everytime I like break a rule or only like half follow one... I really
feel like crap and I dont really dig feeling like not 100% errday on the
mission. So ya I try to obey the rules for the most part.
we have an investigator who has a daughter that she teaches through
sign language... Yamilet is the girls name, she is deaf obviously.
the more we would go the less she would listen to her mom and would try
and sign me, so her mom would sign me the signs and I would repeat them
to her to teach her. AND SOMETHING AMAZING HAPPENED! I got to the
point where I really didnt need to listen to the mom I could just do
pumped, cuz I am. Anyway the tough thing is I really cant sign very
good if at all when we arent teaching them but when we are its like the
light comes on. So yeah the LORD will bless you with the gift of
tongues in whatever language necessary to bring people to his gospel.
we ended up baptizing them sunday. Originally the mom wanted each of us
to baptise one so we both got changed. I baptised the mom because she
wanted me to baptize her. Then I ran to get changed and While I was
changing I was hearing a lot of crying and the poor deaf girl was scared
of the water and wouldnt listen to her mom. I had to explain to her
-In sign language that it is ok and that the water is safe. She then
said that she wanted me to baptize her, so pobrecito Elder Aguirre
already wet in the font asked me to go change and I baptized her.
So that was kindof a special moment for me.
And I just love spanish and being fluent. MAN AM I BLESSED. To be able to speak without thinking is really the coolest thing.
we were doing divisions the other day and Elder Barton from Logan came
and worked with me here in alamo for the day. We were at the chapel at
night talking to some people and they said to HIM.
Oh well
dont worry about the language just look and Elder Basile he is fluent
after too months. Just pray like crazy and you will be able to talk
like him soon.
Pobre Elder Barton His face was redder than his hair.
And I had to explain to them that he has a YEAR in the mission as of last wednesday.
Im really lucky and I know that I have it easier than a lot of people.
and a lot of missionaries. Like Elder Aguirre is really cool It
just... When I talk with the Savior after this life I just want him to
give me a hug and be like
Andrew you know I really am Proud of
you... You lived a good life and you were an excellent missionary. And
give me a hug. Thats what keeps me obedient.
I found some old missionary cards that say
Nunca dige que seria facil, pero que lo valdria la pena
I never said it would be easy but that it would be worth it.
Thought that was really cool.
Anyway I hope you all made it to the end I love you all and am soooo thankful for your emails.
Love, Elder Basile
PS. Mom, I just got the package this morning. I love it so muchhhhhh! Except the RZR part.
Last weekend I was trying to carry a box of groceries over my head. NEVER AGAIN.
The Day after the hurricane.
Juan, One day I just started talking to him and he just kept
listening. He doesnt really say much but like I say he is a really good
listerner and is always smiling.
I swear Im really in vietnam
Livin that tropical life.
Shade makes a guy happy here.
I dont know, just laugh.
Getting Poured out with all the oranges.
Alamo is the orange capitol of Mexico... I love oranges.
We just sweat to death.. So sometimes you just gotta sit down and take a sip of La Coka.
Cool little statue.
Me and Benny J.
Mud hut houses are common here in this part of the world.
I bought this blanket because at night it does get a little cold. I
love it so much its so cool. AND IT IS HAND MADE!!! WOULD YOU EVEN
Esperanza (hope) and Yamilet (I dont know what it means in english)
This makes me so happy
Cool Statue
His name is nery and he loves
helping the missionaries. -Elder Take a picture of me in front of this
majestic scene would you please.
Cool clock tower
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