Monday, May 30, 2016

Planched by a General Authority

So Im not going to lie, this week was probable one of the best weeks I have had in a while.

I was pretty frustrated from the lack of lessons and success that we had had the week before and that we ended up getting denied by like 9,000 people (no thats not an exaggeration) when you dont have lessons you talk to a lot of people. 

But things turned around, we had done divisions with Elder Herrera from Mexico city a very good missionary ex-zone leader so he knows the deal pretty well, and he was pretty frustrated aswell, but through all the conversations we had had we decided we needed to fast to get things truned around.  
So we did, anddddddd it worked, like always.  :/

Every monday I download like 5 or 6 general conference talks and listen to them a lot throughout the week and I had ended up downloading from only President Uchtdorf and Elder Holland for some reason, AND OUT OF THE 7 TALKS I DOWNLOADED ALL OF THEM WERE ON THE SAME TOPIC.  Being grateful, for the blessings and challenges of life.  

I could have sworn President Uchtdorf was talking directly to me for 45 minutes straight, I even think he said Andrew a time or two.

I did A LOT of repenting, and I am not ashamed to say that.  A LOT.  And now I am really happy.

We have investigators now, and a family that came to church for the first time that is so cool.  My companion is really cool now and not so shy, and I have realized that all the sweat helps me to detoxicate my body.  ITS ALL A BLESSING.

I am like so happy now, who would have thought that a general authority could planch I guy 3 years later through a little speaker while I guy was getting ready in the morning.  HAHA

But yeah that was about it for the week, we worked hard and had some fun.

Divisions w/ E. Fernandez de Panama
and then with his companion E. Herrera de D.F.
 After the members serve you Eagle Eggs
 This tree is cool upside-down
Going to interviews with E. Neilsen in a hot bus=chido
 The coolest chapel in Poza Rica
 E. Garcia gave me his old Book of Mormon case made of Llama hyde.
More burgers

Monday, May 23, 2016

Transfers and 9 months

So we got transfers all over with and I did pass the 9 month mark and so thats fun.  Elder Dominguez is a very nice guy, but Idk there is just something funny about him, he is a little different.  But is a very hard worker and I appreciate the help.

I just realized after this transfer I will have spent almost half my mission as a zone leader.. here in Poza Rica.

I am not going to lie, this week was very hard, and very hot.  It is really weird how it is like something that you dont get over hahahah.  

I got a little frustrated because of all the walking we have been doing and then the secrataries "accidentaly" turned off our phones and so all the traveling and communicating with the DLs really beat me up without a phone, and then the assistants were wanting us to waste the last of our money to go to a little town way out of the way to get the totalsfor the week because their phone got turned off too.  

And so it just felt like everything was falling apart this week, we even had a baptism and I dont even feel good about the week.  

Im sorry for complaining, this wasnt that awesome of an email.  Just being a Zone Leader without a phone isnt easy. 

We baptized Raymundo he is cool.

Elder Neilsen and E. Bernal Baptized as well. P.s thats not E. Neilsen with us.
 Saying goodbye in the bus station.
Goodbye dinner with some members.

I love you guys you are all awesome, just be happy for me :D

Monday, May 16, 2016

Another Transfer... Still in Poza Ric(heck)a

So there isnt a lot to write about so I will keep it super short.

Transfers came again, and I am still in the hottest zone in the mission, whoop!

I am still zone leader and my companion Elder Hernandez is going to Papantla a really cool zone about an hour away, but he doesnt want to stop whining about that.  But its ok, Elder Dominguez is coming and this is gonna be his first time as a zone leader so we will have some fun learning together.  

We didnt baptize this week but we are goingto the next couple of weeks so I am still happy to be here.  


Is to be honest, you dont have to be the best in everything, just let the other person feel good if people are talking good about them, and dont brag.  It gets old... After EVERY. DAY.  

With that said Elder Hernandez was pretty fun to be around, and we got along well, but that is honestly because I learned to hold my tongue.  A. Lot.

He is a prodegy but didnt know humility so he taught me how it looks to be "better than eveyone in everything"

I am sorry I am venting, it just all kinda piled up on me till today and I am just kindof letting out a lot of hot air.  

We really did do a lot of good work together.

Another lesson that I love and that I learned is if the gospel isnt helping you or you dont feel like it is... STOP and simplify the way you are using it.  

Stop with the extravegance.  Pray sincerely and honestly.  Read 1 chapter of the book of mormon once a day. Go to church, 3 hours once a week.  LIVE ALL of the commandments.  Repent to feel good again and especialy to FEEL the effects of the atonement. And think about Jesus as often as possible.  

Those are pretty broad subjects with short titles but if we stop and simplify the gospel in our lives... THATS WHEN we feel the real love of the savior, and from that we can begin to build upon that base.  But always return to that base when necessary and stay there for AS LONG AS YOU NEED!

I love you all and hope you guys are having a great day
thanks for the emails!

Reunited with Elder Rojas
Big huge bug
Pizza with E. Neilsen

Monday, May 9, 2016

Last week of the transfer

So we are starting off the last week of the transfer here and I... kinda wanna go but I dont believe I will, It would be pretty cool to escape the heat a little bit.

But in light that my companion has had one more transfer in the city of Poza Rica than I have we have been trying to build up the area as best we can because Im not feeling like getting hung up hi and dry.  

So we had another baptism this week and it was super good, the lady was in another ward and then moved and we kept teaching her, and when she was asked who she wanted to baptize her she said one of the missionaries from that first ward of a few weeks ago, so that was fun to have them there.  

I dont really know what to type about....hmmm... I really like being a missionary.

I think one of the coolest parts about dedicating onesself to the gospel 24/7 is the spiritual developement, and learning how the spirit speaks to us... I have been very sweetly suprised to realize that, he talks A LOT.  And very specifically if needs be.  BUT, that comes from our willingness to listen to him.

Listening to the spirit and ACTING on his impressions are probably one of the most important lessons we should learn in this life.  Learning this and acting on it takes the title "Constant Companion" to a whole new level really.  And it helps us understand that God intends for us to never be alone.  

I honestly feel like my eyes have been opened just a little bit more on the wide picture of the gospel that we have the privalege of viewing.

Well thats it.

Listen to the spirit

And when it comes to drugs

Just say no.

My life has just ended

so in an atempt to email more pictures to all of my adoring fans... the computer had some glitch, and all of my photos have been erased.

I only have pictures from half of my time on the mission saved on a backup usb

I am too sad to cry.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Ancient Ruins

 So we went to Tajin today!  They are ancient mayan ruins! So that was pretty fun it was kinda nice to get out of the noisy poza rica and into a little bit more of nature!

So I am not going to write a long letter this week, because we are about out of time butttt, we did have a baptism.  I cant even describe to you the happiness that all the ward felt in that tiny room for their baptism, even her non member family came, everyone was so happy it was just the best!

Its really funny, I apply myself to this being a missionary a lot and as a zone leader I really work hard to be able to help everyone and its just a real crack up when I give someone a suggestion and they dont even do anything about it.  I feel like how Mom and Dad must have felt with about half the things they always told be to do and I never did.
  But its always hilarious to hear them say, Oh wow Elder Basile you were right!  

And Im not trying to be prideful, that just happened a lot this week haha.

One thing I will say like many church leaders have always said is, not to just hop up right after asking a question in a prayer, wait a little bit, like 5 minutes if you have to, and if you still havent found out, go to the scriptures.  It doesnt make sense why we would turn away from the spirit super fast after asking for impressions and inspiration.  Anyway Im sure the majority of you all know that.  

Im gonna send pictures 

I love you all and thank yhou so much for the emails I LOVE hearing about everybody!

Basically machu pichu
Dont know if I already sent these ones but it was super cool.