So real quick before I
forget we have been having baptisms I don't know why I don't write
about them. My personal count is now 10.
wednesday my comp wanted to continue doing nothing for the rest of the
week so dragging him around didnt really help and we only taught like
one person. And I do all the teaching. But its ok... i guess.
things started looking up, the zone leaders surprise showed up at our
house so you can only imagine the look on my companion's face when he
saw us three all dressed up and him still in bed. I tried to warn him
but he only listens so much when he is asleep.
We went on
divisions and Elder Rojas and I went into the center of Poza Rica.
Elder Rojas is an excellent missionary and we had a lot of fun and found
some new people.
We taught this one investigator and she
was a pentecostal woman who believes everything that the Zone leaders
had taught her but didnt want to be baptized because she believes as
long as she goes to a church she will be ok.
felt the impression to planch her a really uncommon prompting but I
turned to matt 7 and told her that not everyone who believes and goes to
just any church will be saved, and then to 2 Nephi 30-31 and planched
her about being baptized.
And she was like. "Sabes que necesito que bautizarme"
(You know what I need to get baptized)
And so that was just a good little lesson.
It rained and rained and rained and then rained some more. Like
monsoon season in Vietnam, I know I go on about Vietnam but Im still not
convinced that I am only in Mexico. It rained to points where we were
wading in water above my knees. On the flat plane of Alamo, Almost half
of the entire city was flooded. WE GOT TO WORK IN SHORTS HOW COOL
I took a LOT of pictures but never did dare ti take them when it was two deep but I will send them all.
Thanks everyone for you emails I hope you are all doing good. I love and miss you all!
Elder Andrew Basile
Yes we were walking through that... We dont get days off as missionaries haha
Riding on a members motorcycle to the other side of the town was really fun.
Dont let the gangster look fool you the pizza here in Mexico is terrible.
This little chaparin is hilarious just cuz he is tiny and his voice sounds so funny.
Pancakes at the zone leaders house
Elder Rojas y yo
The whole gang
We found these emoji pillows in a store and had to take pictures
And this was only in the morning.
Wasnt too bad in this street.
Enjoying the empty streets to ourselves
This picture doesnt do this pig justice it is bigger than me.
And its face is way scary.
There are a lot of strange statues here in Mexico.
Nothing like a little candlight study when the lights go out.
This house is super cool. It is in the Hermanas area but we have all of alamo cuz they are gone now.
Spot the Martian. HAHAHA
Finally finished all the ink in this pen since the MTC. WHOOP!
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