Thursday, November 26, 2015


Hey everybodyyyyyyy!


I got a sickness that here is called chicuncuya I dont know how to spell it, and when I called the Zone leaders because the president nor his wife would answer Elder Roberts informed me that I had been bitten by a mosquito and contracted everybody's 2007 fear.

West Nile Virus

I cannot describe to you the flood of emotions lack of sleep and pain that I felt last week.  What it is though mas o menos is a pain in all of you joints and all you bones are sore.  And you cant sleep because you are in so much pain and every vertibrate your back or however you spell it, hurts and you cant get comfortable and you cant walk because your legs lock up and you just wanna die.  And dont let the enthusiasm of this letter distract from the Living Hell that I experienced. 

It all started last monday but I didnt say anything cuz I didnt want mom to worry.  After a couple days of violent puking and limping from bed to bathroom just to vomit I finally overcame the sickness, with a priesthood blessing from my companion.  But I still have lingering pains in my neck shoulders and wrists.  I am so glad that I am basically healthy again!!! So happy I can walk, can eat without puking, its just the best to feel normal.

Anyway so that all went away I got a call from the mission office and was told that........Im gonna be a trainer!! I just finished my own training! So I hope I dont mess this up!

Haha I wont, so monday I said goodbye to elder Aguirre and left for Xalapa, we arrived and stayed for a couple hours in the mission home until we ate little cesars and then cafĂ© rio that night.  Man how I have deserved a little bit of american food. 

So then we got our new companions.  I knew as soon as he walked in the door... I was gonna end up with the kindof chubby nerdy kid with glasses that walks kindof funny. 

But to be perfectly honest he is an awesome guy and is really smart and already learning how to teach effectively. 

So things are going good here in Alamo, oh elder Aguirre is now a secretary the president wanted him close by.. pobrecito. 

Ya having fun, hope you guys dont get west nile virus.  Oh yeah you can get it multiple times in you life. 

Love you all.
OK sorry ELDER ADAN is my new companion he is fresh out of the MTC he is from mexico!

Oh and I am now the District Leader over all of Alamo and another city called Tihuatlan. so thats kinda cool but now I am even more busy that usual.
Hanging In Poza with the ZLs and Elder Ruiz I wasnt smiling cuz westnile sucks
 This made me laugh my head off cuz you know those arent real!
That face you make when you have chicuncuya
My four planners so far...
 So they had a big parade for independence day and we watched it cuz nobody was in their houses
 What the Bible REALLY teaches... Jehovas witnesses
A member who hopped in the parade cuz he bought a new motorcycle! I didnt have my camera the other time when I DROVE IT YEAHHHH
 Eating some good corn from a street vender
 The Poza Rica zone
Me and mijo Elder Adan

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