think it is that when I recieve my paycheck in the future, I should
first put aside my tithing and then put aside money to pay for the air
conditioning, because man do I miss it.
as President Greer and I talked about in my quarterly interview, we
always need to be searching for the good, in best of siduations and
especially in the baddest.
So I have been doing that a lot, and it has helped me to be a better person.
we had a baptism fall through, and you know I was kindof frustrated,
during Gospel principles class the other elders and I were looking for a
lesson we can learn from this, because hey had a baptismal canidate not
show up too, so it was a weird deal.
What I
learned from that is we need to THINK ABOUT people from the point of
view of our Heavenly Father, and not just LOOK AT THEM with his eyes.
I learned was my feelings on a lost or postponed baptism dont and or
shouldnt really matter, but that our Father in heaven, who wants the
best for EACH and EVERY one of us, is heartbroken that they rejected
that opprotunity to come unto him and their savior. And on the other
side, the joy that he has knowing that they will be with him, when they
do accept him.
Instead of just thinking about how we can better help them understand the gospel.
So yeah always learning and always sweating, and a lot of walking.
Sorry if the email isnt very good we are listening to hymns and writing at the same time so it might be a little messy.
Anyway, I love you all thanks for all the pictures and emails.
Till next week.
Elder Nielson and I were pretty happy because it was only like 90 degrees out and cloudy
There are a lot of Masons here in Poza Rica, this is their portrayal of Jesus.
One of our Investigators gave us this cool free t Shirts
Cool Oil what are they call derreks?
A view over Poza Rica from the area called Petromex
When your companion takes a picture of you when you are half asleep <<<