Monday, February 8, 2016

Another Week Bites the dust

So this week went really fast but at the same time REALLY slow.  Elder Garcia got west nile virus and suffered a lot.  I felt really bad and chuckled a little to myself to realize what I looked like on the outside, not having it.
So that ate up a couple days, and then on thursday we were eating with an older sister who gave us some mole, which is chicken or pork or steak, with like a chowder of ´made out of peppers.  Then he ran outside and started puking, and managed to tell me that the mole was bad.  While he was vomiting I stood there drinking my coke laughing a little but being sure to be there for moral support ;) when all of the sudden I started puking, it was a very tough moment for me in my life... So we sat in the front yard puking for like 10 minutes while the poor sister felt terrible that she made us sick.  But we have been back and have eaten in that house and  didnt get sick the second time.  

We had a baptism yesterday, his name is Cayetano and it was a very wonderful experience.  
It is funny we always pass by the houses of the investigators in the mornings on sundays to bring some of them to church and last week we got there late and missed the sacrament, and let me tell you I actually felt the difference, I felt like crap basically... All week.
  This week was so cool to take the sacrament and literally fill the spirit fill the space around me. It is funny how we never notice the importance of the things that we do every week until we actually dont get to take the chance to participate in them.  Especially the sacrament, read 3 Nephi 18:7 it is literally a commandmant we fill to have his spirit with us throughout the week.  

So yeah that was about it, this sunday the Hermanas (missionaries) are going to have a baptism and Elder Garcia are planning on having 9 baptisms, we have been working our behinds off and we have found some very special people.  

Another thing that I learned from a recently innactive member-  If you ARE praying, like with real intent EVERYDAY like we are commanded, you wont innactivate due to lack of faith in the gospel or the church, and you will continue to have trust in the LORD.

I say these things hoping that you guys will really take this email seriously as my friends and family, and especially my three sisters.  

I love you all and hope everyone is doing well, thanks for the emails.
till next week

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