Monday, January 18, 2016

New Week Nuevo Compañero

So yeah the title says it all.  This week we had special transferes because Elder Adan has been struggling a little bit with some things and President wanted him to be close by.  So CAMBIOS ESPECIALES.  We changed wednesday night and my new companion rolled in and we have just set this place on fire!  He has 18 months in the mission, and Its not that his is this amazing fully equiped machine but he actually talkes and helpes me teach.  We are geling so well in our lessons because we both have the same teaching style.

Not that I didnt love having Elder Adan as a companion, but now it just feels like for one of the first times in the mission that I have REALLY got in a groove, and Elder Garcia is really helping me to improve as a missionary as well. 

Nery, a youth that always works with us and his mom and sister and brother in law threw a party and we all broke our own piñata and ate popcorn and mexican candy and drank soda and had a grand old time.  

It has really been rainy here and we walk in soaking wet everything.  

We have been having a pretty good time together, we had quarterly interviews with the President and that was a wonderfully spiritual experience.  I know that he is called of GOD to that office because I dont even have to open my mouth and he can say something that I need to know or be comforted in a way that is best for me spontaneously.  

I had to planch some missionaries in our district because they never listen to my recomendations as a District Leader, and I have always just brushed it off and kept praying to help them.  Well one day they tried to throw something back in their face and call them out on the ridiculous lack of success that they had been having and that I dont just make stuff up to tell them and waste my breath.  AND WOW when they actually listened they started finding people to teach.  

However I AM NOT saying that I am this amazing missionary with all the answers.  Obviously our Heavenly Father Blesses us and gives us the opprotunities to touch the hearts of people, but sometimes if we try something a little different or new we can be suprised by the difference it can make.  This has helped me to gain a new respect for our leaders in the church and am praying everyday to be less pridefull to accept their advice because I dont want to be a hipocrite.  

Anyway thats about it this week, New comp. Having fun, hopefully it stayes this way for a while.  

I love you all and am so grateful for all your emails.

Be safe errbody.
HAHA useless. 
Having fun with the niños 
The Zone.
 When Elder Garcia got here... The guy next to me is an ex missionary, we were both in tezuitlan at the same time, Hno. Quintana, he served here in Alamo too.
Foggy Morning 
Nery and Hno. Juvencio an investigator. 
 Just an example of some of the skills I have been learning here on the mish. 
These fish are huge and the boat they use to catch them with are TINY. 
Elder Garcia, me, and GIANTGILLS 
This family of investigators is just awesome, we all get along so great, and they love to have us over.  And in fact invited us to dinner tonight to eat... yes... fish! whoop!

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